7:00 p.m. Monday, April 9, 2018

Oakland Acres Maintenance Building


Call Meeting to Order:  Mayor Lennie Smith called the council meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Roll Call:  Ted Schultz, Terry Morrison, Don Smith, Lisa Griffith and Heath Collett.
Also present: Lori Smith, city clerk and Andy Heishman.

Inquiries from the Community:  Excessive speed:  Clerk will send letter to people noted that are habitually speeders. Griffith will check with the Sheriff's office to see if there are speed monitors that can be borrowed.

Approval of Minutes: Schultz moved to approve the minutes of the March 12, 2018, meeting. Smith seconded.  Ayes: All.

Treasurer’s Report:  Collett moved to approve the March report as submitted. Morrison seconded. Ayes:  All.

Payment of Bills:  Morrison moved to approve payment of the bills as submitted. Schultz seconded.  Ayes:  All.

Payable to:



Lori Smith

 $  302.40





Employee retirement


Alliant Energy




US Treasury


Quarterly payroll taxes


Andy Heishman


Snow removal


Lori Smith


Easter Egg Hunt supplies


Lori Smith





$ 1,815.36



Mayor’s Opening Address and Report:  Easter Hunt was cold, but had 8-10 kids attend. Photos are on the city's Facebook page.

Old Business

Road repair:  Discussed the two quotes from Cessford and Manatts for road repair and widening of Fore Seasons Drive and Parkview Drive. Have different quotes on materials. Have requested a more "apples to apples" comparison. Will compare at May meeting.

Dam Grass Seeding: Story Seed didn't have any, but Griffith will check with Hoskey Seed in Lynnville to see if he will honor past bid and do the drilling as well.

Lake Treatment: Mayor Smith ordered two bags of copper sulfate to place in the lake to retard growth of algae in the lake. Bags will be in on Friday. Andy volunteered to loan his 12 foot John boat for the job. Will get a trolling motor and spread in the lake the end of April.

Stump Removal: Vermeer has agreed to bring a test machine and grind out the stumps on the city property near the golf course. Still need to drop three more trees, and have stumps cut to three feet or shorter. Will come when we are ready, and call them.

New Business

ECIC Meeting:  No interest in attending the meeting in Chariton.

Council Report:  Checked on lot setback of houses from lot lines. House cannot be across two lots. Must be 25' from front of property and 35' from rear.

Clerk Report:  None.

Maintenance Report:  Collett purchased a new battery for the tractor.  Andy Heishman will pick up the yellow sand containers, clean them out and will place in maintenance building this weekend. Mayor Smith talked to Matt Innis to get the tractor ready for spring mowing.  If anyone needs firewood, there is wood available at the bottom of the dam.  Please do not leave brush at the bottom of the dam without prior permission. Will want to include a path to the bottom of the dam on the south. Andy asked permission to trim trees that are hanging over the road.  Will identify trees that are hanging too low over the road to trim, and the city will notify property owners.

Adjournment: Schultz moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:54 p.m. Collett seconded. Ayes:  All.

These minutes are as recorded by the City Clerk and are subject to council approval at the next City Council meeting.


________________________________________________       ___________________________________________                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Lennie Smith, Mayor                                                                                      Lori Smith, City Clerk