7:00 p.m.
Monday, December 14, 2015
Oakland Acres
Maintenance Building
Call Meeting to Order: Mayor Lennie Smith called the council
meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Roll Call: Barb Arthur, Joyce
Halblom, and Doug Weaver. Absent: Ted Schultz and Sarah Pfennigs
Also present: Lori Smith, city clerk, Carol Cerqua and Terry Morrison.
Inquiries from the Community: Make sure snow
removal crew plows out the circle at the bottom of Valley View Drive.
Approval of Minutes:
Weaver moved to approve the minutes of the November
11, 2015, meeting. Arthur seconded. Ayes:
Treasurer’s Report:
moved to approve the November report as submitted. Halblom seconded. Ayes: All.
Payment of Bills: Weaver moved to approve payment of the
bills. Arthur seconded. Ayes:
Payable to: |
Amount: |
Description: |
Lori Smith |
302.40 |
Salary |
Lori Smith |
149.64 |
Christmas Party Supplies |
Lori Smith |
49.00 |
Roll of Stamps |
52.09 |
Employee retirement |
Alliant Energy |
41.65 |
Utilities |
Caldwell, Brierly,
Chalupa & Nuzum PLLC |
$ 1,303.75 |
Legal fees - property
dispute |
Lennie Smith |
507.93 |
Yearly stipend |
Ted Schultz |
184.70 |
Yearly stipend |
Doug Weaver |
184.70 |
Yearly stipend |
Barb Arthur |
203.17 |
Yearly stipend |
Roger Fisher |
36.94 |
Yearly stipend |
Sarah Pfennigs |
58.18 |
Yearly stipend |
Joyce Halblom |
184.70 |
Yearly stipend |
Andy's Snow Removal
Service |
685.00 |
Snow Removal - November |
Iowa League of Cities |
45.00 |
ECIC Meeting Costs |
Jasper County Auditor |
$ 1,060.15 |
Election Costs |
City of Grinnell |
$ 2,672.94 |
Fire Contract - 15/16 |
City of Grinnell |
$ 1,336.47 |
Ambulance Service -
15/16 |
Dodd's Trash Hauling
& Recycling |
268.00 |
City-wide recycling |
Total |
$ 9,326.41 |
Mayor’s Opening
Address and Report: Luminary
requests. Will not do this year. Asked snow removal to try to do a fast, but
complete job. Want to limit calls to our
snow removal crew to keep service.
Old Business
and issues: Next step is
disclosure of witnesses on both sides of property dispute, which will be held
December 21. Discussed reimbursement of legal fees.
Elections and
Oaths: Mayor Smith swore in Terry Morrison and Carol
Cerqua as incoming council members.
Newsletter: Was sent out the first of December. May
look at sending postcards on slow periods.
Christmas party:
Had a smaller turnout at the clubhouse,
but still had about 25 people attend.
Road Repairs: May look to avoid further damage to the end
of Fore Seasons Drive. Will document
current damage.
Directories: Need to contact a few more new residents and
will print new city directories in January.
New Business
Budget: Clerk will have
a suggested budget and check to see receipts on extra tax before next
meeting. Also look at top projects for
Planning and Zoning.
Projects: Need to put rock around roadways in spring and
tree cleanup. Mayor Smith bought solar
LED lights for the park to put on the shelter house and ball area. Can bring to
next meeting to show how they work.
Weaver was concerned about the number of animals triggering the sensors.
Council Report:
need to define council roles more as we welcome three new members.
Clerk Report: The
clerk will be gone for the next scheduled meeting. Weaver made a motion to move the January
meeting to Monday, January 18, at 7 p.m.
Arthur seconded the motion.
Ayes: All.
Maintenance Report:
need to get prices for new tractor tires.
Will work on sealing up the maintenance building.
Adjournment: Halblom moved to adjourn the meeting
at 8:00 p.m. Arthur seconded. Ayes:
These minutes
are as recorded by the City Clerk and are subject to council approval at the
next City Council meeting.
________________________________________________ ___________________________________________
Lennie Smith,
Mayor Lori
Smith, City Clerk