7:00 p.m.
Monday, December 11, 2017
Oakland Acres
Maintenance Building
Call Meeting to Order: Mayor Lennie Smith called the council
meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Roll Call: Ted Schultz,
Doug Weaver, Don Smith and Terry Morrison. Absent: Heath Collett.
Also present: Lisa Griffith and Lori Smith, city clerk.
Inquiries from the Community: Concerns about traffic flow on Highway
6. We have approached the DOT about reducing the speed limit in the past, but
due to the city not being on both sides and lack of accidents, it was rejected.
Will respond to the inquirer with options.
Approval of Minutes: Schultz moved to approve the minutes of the November
20, 2017, meeting. Collett seconded.
Ayes: All.
Treasurer’s Report:
moved to approve the November report as submitted. Smith seconded. Ayes: All.
Payment of Bills: Morrison moved to approve payment of the bills
as submitted. Schultz seconded.
Ayes: All.
Payable to: |
Amount: |
For: |
Lori Smith |
302.40 |
Salary |
52.09 |
Employee retirement |
Alliant Energy |
65.45 |
Utilities |
Dodd's Trash & Recycling |
268.00 |
Two months city-wide recycling |
Lori Smith |
118.20 |
Christmas party |
Lennie Smith |
600.28 |
2017 Stipend |
Heath Collett |
184.70 |
2017 Stipend |
Ted Schultz |
240.11 |
2017 Stipend |
Doug Weaver |
221.64 |
2017 Stipend |
Don Smith |
203.17 |
2017 Stipend |
Terry Morrison |
221.64 |
2017 Stipend |
Jasper County Treasurer |
859.30 |
Election costs |
Total |
$ 3,370.90 |
Mayor’s Opening
Address and Report: Christmas party
went well, with about 25 people in attendance. Special thanks to Terry Morrison
for fixing the thermostat for the maintenance building's furnace.
Old Business
dedication for public use: Clerk will send the resolution to the county
Had good council participation, and welcomed some new faces.
New Business
Swearing in of elected officials: The clerk swore
in Lennie Smith as mayor for a two-year term.
The mayor then swore in the three incoming city council members, Heath
Collett and Don Smith, for four-year terms, and Lisa Griffith to fill a
two-year term.
state audit results: Two main items: investment policy and official
depositories resolutions. Clerk will draft sample resolutions before next
council meeting.
bids: Mayor
Smith will start getting bids for road work next month.
Report: Need to make
assignments for council members for maintenance, community betterment, finance
and parks, and planning and zoning. Will discuss further next month.
Clerk Report: None.
Report: Lennie hung a solar light in the park to help
illuminate the area. Need to make a list of 2018 projects, including dam post
replacement. Discussed options to putting those in the ground, to include a
metal post inside to prevent breakage. Morrison is working on finding people to
cut down dead trees. Waiting to hear back. Collett volunteered to help to
contact One Call about installing new signs. Dodd's commented that a few tree
branches need to be trimmed.
Adjournment: Schultz moved to adjourn the meeting
at 7:37 p.m. Weaver seconded. Ayes: All.
These minutes
are as recorded by the City Clerk and are subject to council approval at the
next City Council meeting.
________________________________________________ ___________________________________________
Lennie Smith,
Mayor Lori
Smith, City Clerk