7:00 p.m.
Monday, March 9, 2015
Oakland Acres
Maintenance Building
Call Meeting to Order: Mayor Smith called the council meeting
to order at 7:02 p.m.
Roll Call: Doug Weaver, Joyce
Halblom and Barb Arthur and Ted Schultz were present. Absent: Roger Fisher
Also present: Dan Huebner and Lori
Smith, city clerk
Inquiries from the Community: Dan Huebner suggested that we contact
the DOT to lower the speed limit to 45 MPH on Highway 6 from both edges of the
city limits, with a signed petition from citizens. Mayor Smith had contacted the DOT for a study
before to do this, and will follow up with them to see if they will reconsider
their decision. Will make petitions available and post at the clubhouse,
maintenance building and bus stop. Information in upcoming newsletter and in
Facebook. Discussion ensued on snow
removal and to post ads for bids earlier in the year, as our snow removal crew
will be changing for next season.
Approval of Minutes:
Schultz moved to approve the minutes of the February
16, 2015, meeting. Weaver seconded. Ayes:
Treasurer’s Report:
moved to approve the February report as submitted. Schultz seconded. Ayes: All.
Payment of Bills: Halblom moved to approve payment of the
bills. Schultz seconded. Ayes:
Payable to: |
Amount: |
Description: |
Energy |
$465.51 |
Utilities |
$52.09 |
Employee retirement |
Smith |
$302.40 |
December Salary |
Smith |
$217.81 |
Solar light reimbursement/Snow removal |
Iowa Assn.
of Municipal Utilities |
$290.00 |
Annual dues |
Property Services |
$508.25 |
Snow removal - January |
Construction & Landscaping |
$1,350.00 |
Salt/sand roads - January |
$3,186.06 |
Mayor’s Opening
Address and Report: None
Old Business
FY16 Budget: Halblom moved to
create a resolution FY15-1 to accept the FY 2016 budget as presented. Schultz seconded. Ayes:
Grasses for Dam:
Heishman agreed to plant the grass seed on the dam. Halblom with follow up and bring a total cost
to the April meeting, including cost of seed, and Roundup, etc. Will contact DNR to ensure this is not a
problem with the watershed area..
SMART conference
meeting: No interest.
Construction/Newspaper posting for bids: Mayor Smith has tried to contact Cessford
repeatedly. Will continue to contact
them and will push it up through their management. The clerk will post ads for
bids in the next week or so in area papers for three weeks with bids due by
April 15, 2015.
Siren: Need to hire a lift to trim trees and will
have the siren fixed at that time.
New Business
Easter Egg Hunt: Weaver made a motion to spend up to $150
to hold a community-wide Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 4. Halblom seconded. Ayes:
Newsletter items:
limit petition, Easter Egg Hunt, Snow Removal, safety reminder, Spring Cleanup
and Community Beautification Day.
ECIC meeting
review: Discussed
community loans and whitewater treatment.
Had a Geo Bond loan for dredging and shoreline enhancement, which is due
by August 15. Also look into
recreational grants as well. Mayor Smith
will contact Chuck Griffith concerning a schedule for repairing the culvert on
Fore Seasons Drive.
Iowa Pipeline
Assoc. EMS Meeting: Discussed how to
locate hazards associated with pipeline..
If you see an orange post, it is a gas line, and has information listed
to call for emergencies. Also discussed
how to determine if there is a pipeline leak.
Council Report:
Clerk Report: Will upload the FY16 budget this week.
Maintenance Report:
be placing rock along Fore Seasons and in the maintenance building parking lot
and park clean up, etc. Once ground
firms up, will hire a lift to do tree trimming and siren repair.
Halblom moved to adjourn the meeting at
8:09 p.m. Schultz seconded. Ayes:
The next regular
meeting of the Oakland Acres City Council is scheduled on Monday, April 13,
2015 at 7:00 p.m. at the Oakland Acres Maintenance Building.
These minutes
are as recorded by the City Clerk and are subject to council approval at the
next City Council meeting.
________________________________________________ ___________________________________________
Lennie Smith,
Mayor Lori
Smith, City Clerk