7:00 p.m. Monday, March 9, 2020

Oakland Acres Maintenance Building


Call Meeting to Order:  Mayor Joyce Halblom called the council meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Roll Call:  Don Smith, Curt Strawser, Clint Follette, Dawnette Baker, Lisa Griffith
Also present: Ashley Stock, city clerk; Matt Hansen, from Alliant

Inquiries from the Community: 

Few texts from people regarding bad spots on the road

Representative from Alliant Energy Matt Hansen – talking about community grant information, the application process and some other general information.  Alliant has been pushing to get natural gas to Oakland Acres, wants to know if there is any interest within the community.  Cable testing program going on this year, they will go around and test the underground cables, they are focused on things that were put in prior to 1983.

Approval of Minutes: Follette moved to approve the minutes of the February 10, 2019 meeting. Smith seconded.  Ayes: All.

Treasurer’s Report:  Smith moved to approve the January report as submitted. Baker seconded. Ayes:  All.

Payment of Bills: Griffith moved to approve payment of the following bills as submitted. Strawser seconded.  Ayes:  All.

March 2020 Bills

Payable to:



Ashley Stock

 $   301.21



 $     55.06

Employee retirement

Alliant Energy

 $     71.23




Snow Removal & Salt/Sand Applications


 $   147.40

February City-wide Recycle

State of Iowa Auditor

 $   475.00

Periodic Exam Fee











Mayor’s Opening Address and Report: 


Old Business

Maintenance Shed Roof: Called and left a message haven’t heard back.  Will give them a call back.

Street Signs: Don will contact the Prison Industries to get a new quote for the 5 signs that are needed.

Street lights by bus stop: They can do a security light by the stop light, $17.35 per month charge to get it all installed and set up.  Follette moves to approve the security light to go up at the intersection of Fore Seasons and Oakridge Drive.  Strawser seconded, Ayes: All

PVC Pipes: Have 13 pipes that are 6” x 10’ and 24 caps.  Bill suggested contacting Central Iowa Water and H&H Plumb Supply, and a plumber out of Tama.  Follette made motion to sell for $400, Baker seconds.  Ayes: All

Dam: Lisa contacted Jasper Construction, they have not heard of the low tension wires.  However, they have other materials they can use/install if we would be interested.  Lisa will go back to Jasper Construction and see what the cost would be.  Gryp Construction quote was going to run around $12,000 with installation.  

2020-2021 Budget Items: Decided to increase the Roads, Bridges, Sidewalks expenses due to putting up the safety on the dam, along with the patches that need to be fixed per community members.  Follette moves to approve the 20-21 budget.  Smith seconds, Ayes: all

Tornado Warning System: Need to get it tested to see if works.  Don will call S&S Electric to come out and test it.

Burning of the Dam: Lisa will check with them again, along with burning a few other places and unplugging the drain by Fenner and Morrison.

Muskrats: He got a lot last fall and will see what it looks like during the spring/summer and re-evalute.

New Business

Spring Clean Up: Will schedule to happen the first weekend in May of every year.  Will look to have the dumpsters in place on May 1st and will pick them up on May 11th.  Dawnette to call them

Lake Treatment: Curt will order the 5 bags and will pick it up and put it in the lake when the weather warms up.  Smith motions to order 5 bags of copper sulfate. Baker seconds. Ayes: All.

Maintenance Position: Will call and see if Bill wants to come back and if so will have him come back April 1st.  Mowing position, will discuss during the April meeting.

Newsletter: Dumpster Days, speed bumps going back in, golf cart driving, mowing

Council Report: 

Clerk Report:  ICAP will meet 9:30 on Thursday to meet at Ramsey Weeks.

Maintenance report: None

Adjournment:  Smith moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:50 p.m. Baker seconded. Ayes:  All.

These minutes are as recorded by the City Clerk and are subject to council approval at the next City Council meeting.


________________________________________________       ___________________                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Joyce Halblom, Mayor                                                                       Ashley Stock, City Clerk