7:30 p.m.
Monday, May 14, 2018
Oakland Acres
Maintenance Building
Call Meeting to Order: Mayor Lennie Smith called the council
meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
Roll Call: Ted Schultz,
Terry Morrison, Don Smith, and Lisa Griffith. Absent: Heath Collett.
Also present: Lori Smith, city clerk.
Inquiries from the Community: None.
Approval of Minutes: Griffith wanted
to clarify that Mayor Smith ordered three bags for the lake and that a citizen
can build across two lots, but must then rezone into one lot. Schultz moved to approve the minutes of the April
9, 2018, meeting as amended above. Smith seconded. Ayes: All.
Treasurer’s Report:
moved to approve the April report as submitted. Schultz seconded. Ayes: All.
Payment of Bills: Schultz moved to approve payment of the bills
as submitted, with the exception of Grinnell Implement, which needs further
clarification. Griffith seconded.
Ayes: All.
Payable to: |
Amount: |
For: |
Lori Smith |
302.40 |
Salary |
52.09 |
Employee retirement |
Alliant Energy |
223.37 |
Utilities |
Drake Community Library |
699.00 |
Annual contract |
Andy Heishman |
750.00 |
Snow removal |
Story Ag |
219.00 |
Lake algae chemicals |
Grinnell Implement |
198.48 |
Dodd's Trash & Recycling |
268.00 |
2 months recycling |
Interstate All Battery Center |
113.74 |
Tractor battery |
Total |
$ 2,826.08 |
Mayor’s Opening
Address and Report: Due to the
recent heavy rainfall, the shoulders washed out badly. Matt has moved the rock from the road, but
please be careful when driving on the shoulders until replaced. Watch for
children playing on roadways, and please keep dogs under control. Trying to set up a time to replace the road
Old Business
maintenance: Discussed the installation of the dam posts. Collett needs to contact "One Call"
and get GPS coordinates for stump removal.
Discussed the need for maintenance projects to be completed in a more
timely manner; including sign replacement, brush pile burning (it was decided
to burn the brush where it is currently located and reseed if needed), painting
streets, etc. Do we need to hire
additional person for maintenance?
Seasons Dr/Parkview Dr. road repair: After the rain damage, Griffith questioned
whether we need to move the requested area from the suggested area on Fore
Seasons with existing curbs, to the big hill going up to the stop signs. Do we
want to widen that section and perhaps add curbing and tiling to eliminate
shoulder destruction. We will have
Cessford and Manatts both quote completing Parkview Dr. with a 2" overlay
and 14' wide, and starting where the curbing ends near Kingsleys, down the hill
to the culvert area to widen 2' on each side with overlay, and then a separate
quote to continuing to the railroad ties at Viravongs. Will also have them quote the cost of curbing
on Fore Seasons Drive and get a quote on the cost of tiling that area to
compare. Will try to expedite bids to get on schedules for 2018. Griffith will
check on possible curbing and tiling companies, and Morrison with check with
Gruens. Will make final decision at next
Grass Seeding: Griffith brought a new quote for seeding the
dam. We would need to spray the dam now and again the first of June. They can then seed in mid-June. Hoskey Seed submitted a quote of $1,385 to
drill wild grasses on dam with the "Majestic Mix" grasses. Also need to get a quote for spraying the
area with two quarts of glyphosate twice. Smith will contact Brad Kramner to
get a quote on spraying. Morrison made a motion to accept the bid for the grass
planting, and the spraying, up to a total of $2,500. Schultz seconded. Ayes: All.
Treatment: Three
bags of copper sulfate have been purchased to place in the lake to retard
growth of algae in the lake. Andy volunteered to loan his 12 foot John boat for
the job. Will get a trolling motor and spread in the lake in May. Mayor Smith
will check with Andy on spreading the chemical.
Removal: Vermeer
has agreed to bring a test machine and grind out the stumps on the city
property near the golf course. Still need to drop three more trees, and have
stumps cut to three feet or shorter. Will come when we are ready, and call
them. Mayor Smith will contact Heath to do One Call to mark the area for the
stump removal.
New Business
Library contract: Schultz made a motion to accept
the Library contract at $699. Schultz seconded.
Ayes: All.
Legal contract:
Tabled until next month. Mayor Smith will forward the contract to
council members.
Liquor license approval: Schultz made a
motion to renew the Oakland Acres clubhouse's liquor license. Smith
seconded. Ayes: All.
Culvert repair quote: Griffith
Masonry submitted bids to repair and replace the culverts located near Stawsers
and Colletts, for a total of $13,861.
Schultz made a motion to approve. Morrison seconded. Ayes: All.
June meeting date:
Will meet on Monday, June 4, at 7:30 p.m.
Report: Griffith checked
on speed trailers. Cost is $3,000 - $4,500 to purchase and other communities
have theirs in heavy use. Rentals are $700/month. This is too cost prohibitive. May want to look
into removable speed bumps.
Clerk Report: Garage sale days ads set to appear in the
Pennysaver and Jasper County Advertiser this week.
Report: Need to send a notice for mowing for the
foreclosed house. Will mow and send bill.
Need to work on trapping muskrats in lake. Griffith will check on options. Will work on
corner of Fore Seasons and Oakland Drive in empty lot and look at adjusting
road signs. Talked to garbage company to slow down when driving. Will contact
Collette to install dam posts.
Adjournment: Schultz moved to adjourn the meeting at
9:07 p.m. Smith seconded. Ayes: All.
These minutes
are as recorded by the City Clerk and are subject to council approval at the
next City Council meeting.
________________________________________________ ___________________________________________
Lennie Smith,
Mayor Lori
Smith, City Clerk