7:00 p.m. Monday, October 9, 2017

Oakland Acres Maintenance Building


Call Meeting to Order:  Mayor Lennie Smith called the council meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Roll Call:  Ted Schultz, Heath Collett, Doug Weaver, Don Smith and Terry Morrison. 
Also present: Lori Smith, city clerk.

Inquiries from the Community:  None.

Approval of Minutes: Schultz moved to approve the minutes of the September 11, 2017, meeting. Morrison seconded.  Ayes: All.

Treasurer’s Report:  Collett moved to approve the September report as submitted. Schultz seconded. Ayes:  All.

Payment of Bills:  Weaver moved to approve payment of the bills as submitted. Smith seconded.  Ayes:  All.

Payable to:



Lori Smith

 $  302.40





Employee retirement


Alliant Energy




Matt Innis


Mowing, fuel


Jasper County EMS


Yearly fee


US Treasury


Quarterly payroll taxes


Dodd's Trash & Recycling


2 months recycling/dumpsters


Register Media


Two weeks: ad for snow removal


Jasper County Sheriff


Yearly contract



 $ 5,166.59




Mayor’s Opening Address and Report:  None.

Old Business

Posts Along Dam:  All materials are here and ready to go to set up the new posts along the north side of the dam, once there is time.  Mayor Smith rented a lift and will be taking trees down in the near future.

2017 Election: Don Smith and Heath Collett will be on the ballot for city council positions.  There will be a write in for completing two years on a current council term, and for mayor for a two-year term.  Mayor Smith says he will consider accepting another term if he receives 25 votes.  Election will be held at the Kellogg Fire Station on Tuesday, November 7, from noon until 8:00 p.m.

Halloween party/Trick or treating: Halloween party for area children ages 10 and under will be from 4-5 p.m. at the park shelter house on Saturday, October 28.  Trick or treating will follow from 6-8 p.m.

Holiday plans: Potluck will be held at the OA Clubhouse on Sunday, December 3, from 2-4 p.m.  Please plan to attend and bring a snack to share.

Grinnell Ambulance meeting: Mayor Smith attended the meeting, and found that there were some issues between Grinnell Regional Medical Center and Midwest Ambulance, and with some transportation and communication issues.  Mayor Smith recommended that we look into additional options, such as Kellogg, etc., for city-wide ambulance service. Schultz will contact someone from Kellogg to begin research.  City clerk will scan and email council members the documents from the meeting.

New Business

Annual Financial Report: Clerk will draft the report and will have at the November meeting.

ICAP Safety Grant:  Clerk will submit the costs for the new posts for the dam for the $1,000 grant.  Needs to be submitted by 12/31/17.

Culvert repair: Need to repair the culvert areas near Colletts and Strawsers on Shoreline Drive.  Will have some rip-wrap and concrete, with a tube to cut down on washed away areas. Will need to section off the area to avoid falls.

Potential budget items for FY18:  Need to budget for copper sulfate for the lake, road repair, electricity at the park, and more replacement posts for the dam. Also looking into the cost of resurfacing and crack filling our roads.

Council Report:  None.

Clerk Report:  ECIC meeting is at Hotel Grinnell on Thursday, November 9, beginning at 5:30 p.m. Several members expressed interest in attending.  Weaver made a motion to allow all interested members to attend this function at $16 per person. Collett seconded.  Ayes: All.  The clerk also distributed registration information concerning Municipal Leaders Academy.

Maintenance Report:  Still planning to cut down dead trees near Viravong's property near the golf course and replacing knocked down signs and adding yield signs.

Adjournment: Schultz moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 p.m. Morrison seconded. Ayes:  All.

These minutes are as recorded by the City Clerk and are subject to council approval at the next City Council meeting.


________________________________________________       ___________________________________________                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Lennie Smith, Mayor                                                                                      Lori Smith, City Clerk