7:00 p.m.
Monday, October 8, 2018
Oakland Acres
Maintenance Building
Call Meeting to Order: Mayor Lennie Smith called the council
meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Roll Call: Ted Schultz, Don
Smith and Terry Morrison. Absent: Heath Collett and Lisa Griffith.
Also present: Lori Smith, city clerk.
Inquiries from the Community: Had question about bumper strips. Have
had dirt washed away by culvert near Kochs. May need
to fill in with dirt now and look at repairing next year.
Approval of Minutes: Schultz moved to approve the minutes of the September
10, 2018, meeting. Smith seconded. Ayes:
Treasurer’s Report:
moved to approve the September report as submitted. Schultz seconded.
Ayes: All.
Payment of Bills: Smith moved to approve payment of the
following bills as submitted. Morrison seconded. Ayes:
Payable to: |
Amount: |
For: |
Lori Smith |
302.40 |
Salary |
55.06 |
Employee retirement |
Alliant Energy |
63.73 |
Utilities |
Jasper County Sheriff |
3000.00 |
Yearly fee |
Jasper Co. Homeland Security/Emergency Mgt. |
234.00 |
Yearly fee |
Matt Innis |
308.00 |
Mowing, cleanup, fuel |
Total |
$ 3,963.19 |
Mayor’s Opening
Address and Report: None.
Old Business
Fore Seasons Dr curbing: Delayed due to rain. Jasper Construction
wondered if we would like to move project until first on the list for next
spring. Due to the addition of a residential driveway, we may be able to extend
to Huyser's driveway.
May be able to split cost into two fiscal years. It was decided to delay
the project until next spring.
Smith will set out live traps for the muskrats this weekend. Will post notice
for people to avoid traps.
Removal: Was
able to grind down the stumps quite a bit, but completion may not be possible
due to the wet weather. Will see what happens with the weather.
bumps: Will
remove the speed bumps in the near future to allow for snow removal. Will
reinstall in the spring.
Halloween and Christmas Plans: Trick or treating is set for Saturday,
October 27, from 6-8 p.m. The city-wide holiday party is set for Sunday,
December 9, from 2-4 p.m. at the clubhouse. Will hold a home lighting contest,
with monetary prizes awarded to the top homes. Winners will be awarded at the
holiday party.
Culverts and tiling repair: The culvert near Kochs
is in bad repair, and needs to be replaced. The drain into the pond does not
seem to be running. This is in addition to the two culverts budgeted for
previously on Shoreline Drive. May be
able to do a work around way to repair the inlet area surrounding the culvert
near Stawsers to allow funds to repair the culvert
near Kochs.
Morrison will contact George Cowger and Curt
Strand to see if they would give us a quote for culvert repair near Kochs.
New Business
ICAP safety grant: This $1,000
grant request is due at the end of December.
ECIC meeting: Meeting is November 8 in Newton,
at the Maytag Events Center. Topics will include nuisance abatement. There may
be interest among council members. Clerk will forward information, and council
members will respond if interested.
Report: Need to contact
Andy Heishman to place sand containers for the road
before the first snow fall
Clerk Report: None.
Maintenance report: Will contact
Matt to get things ready for winter. Mayor Smith will set muskrat traps this
weekend. Need to order more treatment for the lake, and get it spread.
Adjournment: Schultz moved to adjourn the meeting
at 7:52 p.m. Smith seconded. Ayes: All.
These minutes
are as recorded by the City Clerk and are subject to council approval at the
next City Council meeting.
________________________________________________ ___________________________________________
Lennie Smith,
Mayor Lori
Smith, City Clerk