7:00 p.m. Monday, September 19, 2016

Oakland Acres Maintenance Building


Call Meeting to Order:  Mayor Lennie Smith called the council meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Roll Call:  Ted Schultz. Heath Collett and Doug Weaver. Absent: Terry Morrison, Don Smith
Also present: Lori Smith, city clerk.

Inquiries from the Community: None

Approval of Minutes:  Schultz moved to approve the minutes of the August 8, 2016, meeting. Collett seconded.  Ayes: All.

Treasurer’s Report:  Weaver moved to approve the August report as submitted. Schultz seconded. Ayes:  All.

Payment of Bills:  Schultz moved to approve payment of the bills as submitted.  Weaver seconded.  Ayes:  All.

Payable to:



Lori Smith

 $    302.40




 $       52.09

Employee retirement


Alliant Energy

 $       44.38



Caldwell, Brierly, Chalupa & Nuzum PLLC

 $ 8,239.50

Legal fees - property dispute


Lennie Smith

 $    693.00

Mowing - Rock along roads, gas


Lennie Smith

$    99.95

7 recycling tubs for community


Iowa Prison Industries


Stop signs




 $ 9,539.12



Mayor’s Opening Address and Report: None 

Old Business

Ordinances and Issues:  Received comment concerning a camper parked in front of a residence. As a reminder, according to city ordinances, residents should not have motor vehicles parked for more than 15 days without being moved. Will follow up next month, if not resolved.

Signage Proposal:  Tabled until October meeting. 

Fundraising ideas for lake aerator:  Still working through possibilities and will table ideas until October.

Street Update:  Cessford Construction completed the repairs to the end of Fore Seasons Drive in September, only having to close the road for a couple of hours. 

New Business

County Hazard Mitigation Plan:   Schultz made a motion to adopt the Jasper County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan, via Resolution # 17-2. Collett seconded the motion.  Ayes:  All.

Street Financial Report:  The city clerk presented the Street Financial Report for fiscal year 2016.  Collett made a motion to accept the report as presented, via Resolution 17-3. Weaver seconded the motion.  Ayes: All.

Holiday Dates:  Community Halloween activities will be held on Saturday, October 29.  Families may participate in a pumpkin decorating contest, with judging held in the park at 5 p.m. on October 29.  Trick or Treat will follow from 6-8 p.m.  Weaver made a motion to allot up to $150 toward the Halloween  contest. Schultz seconded.  Ayes: All.

Christmas Party: Will look at 4th or 11th of December as possible dates to hold the community-wide Christmas party at the clubhouse from 2-4 p.m. The city will provide tableware and drinks.  Families are invited to bring snacks to share.  Watch the fall newsletter for details on both the Halloween and Christmas activities.

Council Report:  None.

Clerk Report:   Presented statement from Iowa Association of Municipal Utilities.  Reviewed what we received from the organization, and council chose not to pay the invoice.  Will also be working on the fall newsletter, which will go out in early October. 

Maintenance Report:  Please trim trees that hang over the road to 11' above the road and six feet back from the edge of the road.  Please check your yard to see that you are in compliance.  Placed rock along Oak Drive and have tried to keep ahead of mowing.  Will also spray around the lake to keep the weeds down.  Need to look at prices on front tires for the tractor.  Need to repair the washed out area on roadways.

Adjournment: Schultz moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 p.m.  Weaver seconded.  Ayes:  All.

These minutes are as recorded by the City Clerk and are subject to council approval at the next City Council meeting.


________________________________________________       ___________________________________________                                                                                                                                                                                                

Lennie Smith, Mayor                                                                                      Lori Smith, City Clerk