FOR THE MONTH OF Feb-19 80% L.O.S.T.
 General  Community Betterment Parks & Rec Road Use I-Jobs FEMA Grant TOTALS
Beginning Balance       $64,178.57  $  33,097.69  $100.00  $52,332.78  $  -    $2,543.94  $ 155,067.66
Date Payer Description
2/8/2019 Jasper County Real Estate taxes $223.21 $223.21
2/11/2019 Jasper County Building permit $4.00 $4.00
2/11/2019 ICAP Safety grant $1,000.00 $1,000.00
2/20/2019 State of Iowa Street construction $1,686.75 $1,686.75
2/28/2019 State of Iowa Local Option Sales Tax  $     191.61  $       766.42 $958.03
2/28/2019 Interest  $       59.88 $59.88
Total Receipts       $1,478.70  $       766.42  $        -    $  1,686.75  $  -    $           -   $3,931.87
Date Payee Description
2/4/2019 IPERS Retirement  $       55.06 $55.06
2/7/2019 2899 Dodd's Trash &  Recycling Two months recycling  $     268.00 $268.00
2/25/2019 2904 Lori Smith Salary  $     301.21 $301.21
Total Disbursements        $     624.27  $               -    $        -    $             -    $  -    $           -   $624.27
Ending Balance     February 28, 2019  $65,032.99  $  33,864.11  $100.00  $54,019.53  $  -    $2,543.94  $ 158,375.26