FOR THE MONTH OF Jan-17 80% L.O.S.T.
 General  Community Betterment Parks & Rec Road Use I-Jobs FEMA Grant TOTALS
Beginning Balance       $ 21,470.81  $   17,781.83  $ 100.00  $ 27,779.74  $    -    $ 2,543.94  $ 68,772.78
Date Payer Description
1/10/2017 Jasper County Tax Levy  $        56.93 $56.93
1/18/2017 State of Iowa Street Construction $1,740.83 $1,740.83
1/31/2017 Interest  $          2.98 $2.98
Total Receipts        $        59.91 $0.00 $0.00 $1,740.83 $0.00 $0.00 $1,800.74
Ck # Payee Description
1/4/2017 2747 Dodd's Trash & Recycling Two months city-wide recycling  $      268.00 $268.00
1/5/2017 IPERS Employee retirement  $        52.09 $52.09
1/12/2017 2750 Lori Smith Salary  $      302.40 $302.40
1/13/2017 2751 Alliant Energy Utilities  $      296.38 $296.38
1/13/2017 2752 Caldwell, Brierly, Chalupa & Nuzum Legal fees - property dispute  $        48.00 $48.00
1/13/2017 2754 WE CARE After Prom Donation - Grinnell High School  $        50.00 $50.00
1/18/2017 2753 Andy Heishman Snow Removal $1,795.00 $1,795.00
Total Disbursements        $   1,016.87 $0.00 $0.00 $1,795.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,811.87
Ending Balance   January 31, 2017  $ 20,513.85 $17,781.83 $100.00 $27,725.57 $0.00 $2,543.94 $67,761.65