FOR THE MONTH OF Mar-18 80% L.O.S.T.
 General  Community Betterment Parks & Rec Road Use I-Jobs FEMA Grant TOTALS
Beginning Balance       $ 38,880.23  $  26,674.69  $ 100.00  $ 43,528.09  $       -    $ 2,543.94  $ 113,725.43
Date Payer Description
3/1/2018 State of Iowa Local Option Sales Tax  $      172.43  $       689.70 $862.13
3/9/2018 Jasper County Property taxes  $      506.43 $506.43
3/13/2018 ICAP Safety grant award  $   1,000.00 $1,000.00
3/20/2018 State of Iowa Street Construction $1,389.30 $1,389.30
3/29/2018 State of Iowa Local Option Sales Tax  $      172.43  $       689.70 $862.13
3/31/2018 Interest  $        23.63 $23.63
Total Receipts        $   1,851.28  $    1,379.41  $        -    $   1,389.30  $       -    $           -   $4,643.62
Date Ck # Payee Description
3/12/2008 IPERS Retirement  $        52.09 $52.09
3/14/2018 2837 Lori Smith Salary  $      302.40 $302.40
3/20/2018 2840 Alliant Energy Utilities  $      473.52 $473.52
3/26/2018 2839 Andy Heishman Snow removal - Feb.  $   4,215.00 $4,215.00
Total Disbursements        $      828.01  $               -    $        -    $   4,215.00  $       -    $           -   $5,043.01
Ending Balance     March 31, 2018  $ 39,903.51  $  28,054.09  $ 100.00  $ 40,702.39  $       -    $ 2,543.94  $ 113,326.04