FOR THE MONTH OF May-17 80% L.O.S.T.
 General  Community Betterment Parks & Rec Road Use I-Jobs FEMA Grant TOTALS
Beginning Balance       $ 39,832.91  $   20,814.07  $ 100.00  $ 29,289.51  $    -    $ 2,543.94  $ 91,676.89
Date Payer Description
5/10/2017 Jasper County Tax Levy  $      963.79 $963.79
5/16/2017 State of Iowa Street Construction $1,226.66 $1,226.66
5/31/2017 Interest  $          4.18 $4.18
Total Receipts        $      967.97 $0.00 $0.00 $1,226.66 $0.00 $0.00 $2,194.63
Ck # Payee Description
5/12/2017 2775 Lori Smith Salary  $      302.40 $302.40
5/15/2017 2774 US Treasury Quarterly payroll taxes  $      160.66 $160.66
5/16/2017 IPERS Employee retirement  $      196.27 $196.27
5/17/2017 2776 Alliant Energy Utilities  $      105.13 $105.13
5/17/2017 2779 Iowa Workforce Development Fee  $        35.00 $35.00
Total Disbursements        $      799.46  $                -    $        -    $             -    $    -    $           -    $      799.46
Ending Balance   May 31, 2017  $ 40,001.42 $20,814.07 $100.00 $30,516.17 $0.00 $2,543.94 $93,072.06
Bank Balances
Grinnell State Checking Outstanding Checks TOTAL
$93,072.06  $ 93,072.06