FOR THE MONTH OF Sep-16 80% L.O.S.T.
 General  Community Betterment Parks & Rec Road Use I-Jobs FEMA Grant TOTALS
Beginning Balance       $ 34,670.10  $   12,450.99  $ 100.00  $ 31,359.03  $       -    $ 2,543.94  $ 80,220.52
Date Payer Description
9/1/2016 State of Iowa Local Option Sales Tax  $      208.07  $        832.27 $1,040.34
9/9/2016 Jasper County Tax Levy  $   1,266.96 $1,266.96
9/20/2016 State of Iowa Street Construction $2,011.85 $2,011.85
9/30/2016 Interest  $          3.29 $3.29
Total Receipts        $   1,478.32 $832.27 $0.00 $2,011.85 $0.00 $0.00 $4,322.44
Ck # Payee Description
9/7/2016 IPERS Employee retirement  $        52.09 $52.09
9/14/2016 Go Web hosting  $      191.76 $191.76
9/15/2016 Go Web hosting  $        20.17 $20.17
9/21/2016 2714 Lori Smith Salary  $      302.40 $302.40
9/21/2016 2717 Lennie Smith Mowing/Gas/Rock  $      792.95 $792.95
9/23/2016 2716 Alliant Energy Utilities  $        44.38 $44.38
9/23/2016 2715 Caldwell, Brierly, Chalupa & Nuzum Legal fees  $   8,239.50 $8,239.50
9/27/2016 2718 Iowa Prison Industries Stop signs  $      107.80 $107.80
Total Disbursements        $   9,751.05 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $9,751.05
Ending Balance     September 30, 2016  $ 26,397.37 $13,283.26 $100.00 $33,370.88 $0.00 $2,543.94 $74,791.91
Bank Balances
Grinnell State Checking Outstanding Checks TOTAL
$74,791.91  $ 74,791.91