FOR THE MONTH OF Sep-18 80% L.O.S.T.
 General  Community Betterment Parks & Rec Road Use I-Jobs FEMA Grant TOTALS
Beginning Balance       $ 53,359.65  $  31,954.06  $ 100.00  $ 46,944.38  $   -    $ 2,543.94  $ 136,924.14
Date Payer Description
9/10/2018 Jasper County Real Estate taxes  $   1,880.24 $1,880.24
9/13/2018 Jasper County Auditor Building permits  $      256.10 $256.10
9/18/2018 State of Iowa Street construction $2,263.27 $2,263.27
8/29/2018 State of Iowa Local Option Sales Tax  $      198.14  $       792.58 $990.72
9/28/2018 Interest  $        26.44 $26.44
Total Receipts        $   2,360.92  $               -    $        -    $   2,263.27  $   -    $           -   $5,416.77
Date Payee Description
9/5/2018 IPERS Retirement  $        55.06 $55.06
9/8/2018 2871 Ardick Equipment Speed bump sign  $        43.00 $43.00
9/12/2018 2872 Lori Smith Salary  $      302.40 $302.40
9/17/2018 web hosting  $        20.17 $20.17
9/17/2018 2873 Alliant Energy Utilities  $        70.72 $70.72
9/18/2018 2875 Matt Innis Mowing/cleanup/fuel  $      223.00 $223.00
9/19/2018 2877 George Cowger Tiling repair  $    2,731.51 $2,731.51
9/24/2018 web hosting  $      239.76 $239.76
9/28/2018 2876 Dodd's Trash & Recycling Two months recycling  $      268.00 $268.00
Total Disbursements        $   1,222.11  $    2,731.51  $        -    $             -    $   -    $           -   $3,953.62
Ending Balance     September 30, 2018  $ 54,498.46  $  29,222.55  $ 100.00  $ 49,207.65  $   -    $ 2,543.94  $ 138,387.29